So you will be my people, and I will be your God. (Jeremiah 30:22)

Month: June 2022





5つのパンと2つの魚のタプガという丘に来たとき、ヘブル語についての質問なら問題ないだろうと思って、「ヘブル語で魚ということばはmultiply(増え広がる)ことを意味しているという聞いたことがありますが・・」と聞いてみたら、それもいけなかった!ダンにとっては、ヘブル語はユダヤ人のもの、魚はキリスト教のシンボルであり、一緒にするな・・という感じらしい。「魚ということばはダガーということばで、multiplyというような意味はない!」と言い切る。なんとか単にヘブル語やイスラエルの文化に興味を持っていることだけのベースで会話がしたいと思って、Blue Letter BibleのAppで「魚(ダガー)」の語源(ダガーという動詞)をしらべてみてたら出てきた。「ほら、Multiply(増え広がる)という意味があるみたいですよ。しかも、これはクリスチャンのことではなくて、創世記48:16に使われていて、神様がイスラエルの民に増え広がれと言っているところですよ」と言ってみたけど、「そんなことは今までしらなかった」と言い捨ててどこかに行ってしまった。ユダヤ教とキリスト教に橋をかけるのは大変むずかしい。







ツアーが終わってテルアビブに帰ってきてからも、聖霊の導き(? だとおもう。私たちがバスを降りるべきスポットを見過ごしたので、降りるのがヘニーと一緒になった)で、カフェで1時間半くらいいろいろ話し込む。今までの自分たちの歩みやこれからの主にあってのパッションのことなど。イスラエル最後の夜まで神様は祝福を増し加えてくださった。

ヘニーと話をしている間に3人くらいホームレスらしき人がテーブルにやってきた。なけなしのコインを集めてあげるのだけど、ヘニーは都度「What is your name?」と話しかける。これはすごいとおもった。私などかわいそうに思いながらも、お金だけあげてそれでおしまい・・(それ以上はかかわりたくない)という思いがあるのだと自分で思うのだけど、ヘニーは神につくらた人間としてひとりひとりを尊重して名前を聞き、向こうさえよければ素性を聞いてあげるのが大切という。見習いたいと思った。国と国のいさがいでも、ひとりひとりのレベルのことでも、その人の悲しみ、苦しさ、重荷を聞いて(たとえ何もできなくても)理解しようとつとめる・・それだけで大きな平和への一歩かもしれないと思った。


今日はダビデの街(City of David)へ。ダビデがヘブロンで7年半統治をしたあと、ヨアブ率いる軍により、エブス人の街だったエルサレムを占領し建てたオリジナルの城壁街で今のエルサレムの旧市街の南側のエリア。















オリーブ山で「Tombs of Prophets(預言者の墓)」という看板を見つけ、いったいどの預言者だろう・・と思いながら入ってみた。










Dual Narrative Hebron Tourというのに参加してみた。ユダヤ人ガイドとパレスチナ人ガイドがそれぞれの立場から語るのでDual Narrative。ヘブロンは、カナンの地に入ったアブラハムが妻サラを葬るためヒッタイト人エフロンから土地を買った場所。イスラエルの民が、初めてカナンの地を「代価を払って所有」した場所である。その後、アブラハム自身も、長男イシュマエル(アラブ人/パレスティナの先祖)と次男イサク(ユダヤ人の先祖)との二人によってここヘブロンに葬られた。また、イサクと妻リベカ、イサクの子ヤコブと妻レアも葬られている(ヤコブのもう一人の妻ラケルは、ベニヤミンを出産したときに死亡し、ベツレヘムに行く道のかたわらに葬られている(創世記48:7))。ヘブロンはまた、ダビデ王が7年半ユダヤを統治した場所でもある(IIサミュエル5:6)。

ユダヤ人からすれば、自分たちの先祖アブラハム、イサク、ヤコブ(ヤコブからイスラエルの12部族が生まれる)が葬られた場所、イスラエルが初めて土地を所有した場所であり、ヘブロンが完全にイスラエル領でないことを深く嘆いている。パレスチナ人からすれば、アブラハムは自分たちの祖先であり、イサク、ヤコブは自分たちの預言者であり、マクペラの墓が完全に自分たちのものでないこと、またパレスチナであるヘブロンにどんどんユダヤ人が押し寄せていることを嘆いている。ヘブロンは、パレスチナ(West Bank)にありながら、街中にユダヤ人の住む場所が存在しているというきわめて特別な市であり、市民同士は緊張関係にある。ヘブロンに向かう公共バスの窓は防弾ガラス、ヘブロン市内にはIDF(Israel Defence Forces)の重装備の兵士がたくさんいる。

マクペラの墓(マクペラは場所の名前。この建物の下に上記全員が眠っている)は真ん中に仕切りがあって、イスラム・モスク側とユダヤ・シナゴーグ側に分離されている。それでいて以前はカトリック教会でもあったという建築物。ユダヤ人ガイドはイスラム側には入れないし、パレスチナ人ガイドはユダヤ側には入れない。11人のツアーグループの中にもユダヤ人が何人かいたが自分の素性を表明すれば入れてもらえないので内緒でイスラム側に入った。イスラム側で「ユダヤ人はいませんか?」とチェックポイントで聞かれたら、クリスチャンが「We are Christians」と叫んでくれと頼まれた。一人そう答えれば、グループ全員クリスチャン団体とみなされ通過できるというわけらしい。











Bible Lands Museumというのと、Israel Museumというのに行ってみた。Bible Lands Museumはその名の通り聖書(旧約)の歴史をたどるもの、Israel Museumは総合的なアート博物館だけど、考古学の建物には聖書の歴史に関係した考古学的な発掘物を展示していて、死海文書も見られる。興味深いものがたくさんありますが、いくつかだけ紹介します。




キリストこそ私たちの平和であり、二つのものを一つにし、隔ての壁を打ちこわし、 ご自分の肉において、敵意を廃棄された方です。









パレスチナ人クリスチャンのダニーが、パレスチナの歴史や今の生活をいろいろと教えてくれた。実際、イスラエルから自分のずっと住んでいた家から追い出された人々、不当にも暴力を受けた人々、イスラエルに占領されたことで長らく住んでいた場所を離れ難民となった人々のことを聞いた。パレスチナの人側からの話を聞けば、イスラエルのしていることはひどい仕打ちのように聞こえる。たとえば、チェックポイントというのがパレスチナの人の生活を大変に困難にしている。チェックポイントは、パレスチナとイスラエルの間にあるだけでなく(パレスチナの人はイスラエルに簡単に入れないし、イスラエルの人はパレスチナに簡単に入れない。たとえば旅行者ならエルサレムからベツレヘムへ行くのは簡単だが、イスラエル国籍の人はベツレヘムには入れない。反対も同様)、パレスチナの中にもイスラエルの統治の度合いによってエリアA、B、Cという段階があり、すべてパレスチナ(West Bank)にあるエリアであるにも関わらず、異なるエリアの間にはイスラエルによるチェックポイントがある。これがパレスチナの人々が自由に移動することの多大な制限になっている。たとえば妊娠している女性が、産気づいて出産のため他エリアの病院に行こうとしても、チェックポイント通過する許可がすぐにおりず、しかたなくチェックポイントで出産する女性が数多くいるそう。なんという不便。

また、パレスチナはイスラエルから水の供給を得ているが、水はだいたい3週間に一度パイプが開かれ給水されるそうで、それが実際いつなのかは起こるまでわからないという。給水を受けるときにできる限りをビルの屋上にある給水タンクにため、それを次回の給水時まで大事に使うそうだ。実際、House of Peaceに2泊している間に、夜、歯を磨いているときに急に水の出が悪くなり、どうしたものかと思っていたら、ためていた水を全部使い果たしてしまったという。緊急措置で井戸水に切り替えられた。





ベツレヘムでは、House of Peaceというパレスチナ人のクリスチャンが経営しているホステルに泊まった。パレスチナ人はアラブ系。大方はイスラム教信者だけど一握りクリスチャンがいて、クリスチャンであってもほとんどがカトリック系らしいけど、House of Peaceはプロテスタント系のクリスチャン。アラブ系のプロテスタントの人にはあまり会ったことがないので、ぜひいろいろ聞いてみたいと思って泊まってみた。

家族運営のHouse of Peaceはすごく家庭的。お母さんのエレンと息子のダニー。ダニーはツアーガイドもやっていて、2日間案内してもらう。着いて初めて聞いたアラビア語が「エンシャーラ」。このアラビア語はShevetでボランティアしているとき、ガザやシリアのムスリムのお母さんがすぐ口にしていたので覚えていた。In sha’Allah とつづり「アラーのみこころならば」という意味。何か予定を建てたり、自分の考えを語った後や、計画通りに行かなかったときなど、とにかく頻繁にこの言葉を言う。神にすべてをゆだねる雰囲気があって、私は好きなことば。でもアラーということばが入っているから、私が使っていいものなのかどうかと思っていたけれど、House of Peaceでクリスチャンの口から「エンシャーラ」と聞いたので、ああやっぱり大丈夫だと思った。ダニーが言うには、「アメリカ人などは、アラーはイスラムの神だと勘違いしてることがあるけど、アラーはただ単に”神”を意味することばなので、クリスチャンが使っても何ら問題ない」とのこと。




ヨルダン川。イスラエルがヨシュアに率いられヨルダン川を渡って約束の地(初めに征服したのがジェリコ)に入ったところ、またキリストがヨハネから洗礼を受けたのがこの辺ではないかと言われている。こちら側が約束の地側(今はイスラエルではなくてWest Bankパレスチナ)、向こう側はヨルダン。イスラエルとヨルダンがヨルダン川の水を農耕などにどんどん使っているのと温暖化の影響で、水かさがどんどん減り、ヨルダン川はますます小さな川になっているそう。実際すぐ渡れそうな川だった。







Tel Jericoと呼ばれるジェリコの街の跡。ジェリコの歴史はBC8000年までさかのぼるそう。




ベツレヘムから3キロほどのBeit Sahourというところにある羊飼いの洞窟(Shepher’s Field)。キリストの生誕を羊飼いが告げられた場所ではないかと言われている。羊飼いは当時、夜はこんな洞窟で羊を眠らしたそう。






ベツレヘム郊外のBeit Sahourは、ボアズの野(Boaz’s Field)とも呼ばれていて、こんな感じのところでボアズは大麦、小麦をつくっていたらしい。ボアズはダビデ王のひいおじいちゃん。ダビデ王の末裔がイエス・キリスト。




ベツレヘムのNativity Church。キリストが生まれた場所といわれている。





5週間のShevet Achimでの無事奉仕が終わった。誰かが旅立つとき、Shevetでは全員からWord of Encouragement(励ましの言葉)を送ることになっていて、ひとりひとりから思い出や面白い話やはなむけの言葉をもらう。たった5週間だけど、全員でひとつの目標に向かって、しかも普通ではないような困難も一緒に乗り越えていくことで、関係がかなり深いものになる。神の祝福は関係に現れると思う。受け入れてくれたShevetとこのような機会を与えれた神様にハレルヤ。



House of Peaceというホステルに2泊予定。ここはパレスチナ人のクリスチャン(数少ないプロテスタント系)がやっているホステルで、そこの息子のダニーというひとがツアーガイドもしてくれるというので選んでみた。

ここは大変に安全らしい。パレスチナの人たちはみんな愛想がよくフレンドリー。大半はモスリムだけど、クリスチャンの旅人はイスラムでも大切な預言者イエスを信じている人だから大切にしなくてはならないと教わっているそうで。子どもたちも学校で旅行者にあいさつするようにと教わるらしく、笑顔で「ハーイ!」とあいさつしてくれる。その点、パレスチナ人のほうがユダヤ人よりずっと愛想がよく、声をかけてくれるように思う。House of Peaceで出会った人と一緒に夜のベツレヘムを散歩してみた。


Shevet Achimは聖書のみことばをはじめから終わりまで信じる人で運営されている。クリスチャンと言ってしまえば簡単だけど、いろんな国からのクリスチャン、いろんな宗派を経てきた人がいるし、自らをメシアニック・ジュー(キリストをメシアと信じるユダヤ人)という人もいる。それぞれ聖書を真剣に読み探し求めている人ばかり。










マルガリータはどうやら(彼女はスペイン語しか話さないので、Google Translateを使ってなのでかなり微妙)、「4つのものはまず避ける。その後モーセの律法が安息日ごとに読まれれば、それでだんだんと必要な律法は広がっていくという意味だ」という。なので、モーセの律法を考えれば、豚肉は異邦人信者でも食べるべきではない・・というような意味あいをいっているらしい。








We don't look Jewish?

Only three days left to serve at Shevet. Today, my daughter and I went grocery shopping. This is probably my fifth. We always work in pairs at Shevet, and first you are paired with an expert to learn how to do things by watching and learning your teacher. This time it was just me and my daughter, and we had no one else to turn to. Even now, we don't speak Hebrew and there are many things we are not sure about, but we have grown in the faith it would somehow work out ok.

We parked the car as usual, took two carts (you put 5 shekels into a cart, take it out, and return it after done, and you get your 5 shekels back), and were about to enter the store only to be stopped by a guard! There is always a guard standing at the store entrance, but when we were paired with a German, American, Dutch and Colombian, we simply walk in without stopping. So this time, when we simply tried to pass by as usual, and the guard asked us (who looked nothing but Asian) to stop. He checked inside our bags and let us in. But this made me think a little...

Jews did not have their own country until 1948, and those who had been scattered all over the world in the Diaspora gradually returned and established Israel. If someone has just returned, they may not be able to speak Hebrew, so people, being jews, are not even expected to be fluent in Hebrew. 20% of Israeli population is Arab also. There are people of all races, including the original Middle Eastern, Caucasian, South American, and South African living here. But are there any Asian Jews? I saw some Asians in Jerusalem (many of them are not Jews probably), in Ashdod I have not even seen any Asians other than us two.

According to Wikipedia, while Jews spread to West Asia and as far as India in the Diaspora, there were relatively few Jewish immigrants that reached in East Asia. However, it does not mean that there are no Jews at all in East Asia. There are some Jews in China, Korea, and Japan. In Japan, there are several hundred families living mainly in Tokyo and Kobe. But I imagine there are an extremely limited number of people, if any, who have been localized as Japanese but have Jewish bloodline.

Well, I felt a bit sad about the little screening we had to go through, but anyway, three days' worth of shopping (about 1,400 shekels = $420) was peacefully finished, and this will be our last.


この歌は安息日ごとにShevet Achimのテーブルで歌われる曲がこちら。Shevet Achim(Dwelling Togatherの意味)の名前は詩篇133篇に由来するもので、ここに来る病気の子どもたち、家族たち、ボランティア、訪問者みんなが、国籍、言語、宗教にかかわらず兄弟として一つになって神の祝福のもと住まおう・・という意味がこめられている。なので、安息日に必ず思いを込めて賛美する。歌詞はこの聖句のヘブル語そのままを繰り返す感じ。































神は今も、イスラエルが「やっぱり あなた」と神に帰る日を待ち望んでおられる。帰り切れていないことを嘆くことは、きっとたいせつなのだと思う。嘆かなければ忘れてしまうし、そのままになってしまう。嘆くからこそ、帰る日が来る!





Not Needed

When I go to Sheba Hospital, the fact that I really can't do anything just hit me often, the feeling I am sort of getting used to by now. Today, I accompanied a child and his mother for an echo, but the child kept crying, and it did not go well for the first 10 minutes. I tried a couple things to calm him down, but there is not much to do once a small child starts crying from fear. In such a situation, nurses and technicians sometimes ask me to step outside for a while. Today it happened again. I actually am half relieved, having been released from the task of being there. I can't speak the languages, understand medical matters, nor soothe the child any better than his mother. I am simply of not much use. On the other hand, though, a part of me is a little sad that I am not just needed.

You might be needed once in a while, so just stick around. If you are not needed, take it well and being thankful for the fact you don’t have to do anything. I want to be like that.

Might not be too Far

A mother whose child just had a surgery and was recovering kept repeating the word “qurbani.” I do not understand Arabic but wondered that this word “qurbani” might be “korban” in Hebrew, so I asked her.

Korban in Hebrew is “what is offered to God or a sacrifice” and means “becoming near or closer to God” in the original root meening. Whever offers korban lays his hand on the head of the animal in order to transfer himself unto the animal and offered it as a replacement of himself, so that he can be closer to God.

I asked her what the Arabic word "qurbani" means and received the expected answer that it means "sacrifice.” Mothers (or fathers too?) often use this expression to express their love by saying, "I want to be sacrificed in your place,” when their children are in hardship. I felt I found a little common ground.

Another time, I was with a mother who was receiving a post-surgery briefing from the doctor, trying to help her communicate using Arabic to English Google Translate. One of her questions to the doctor was "May he be circumcised?" I did not know that Arabs are also circumcised and needed some time to take it in. The Jewish doctor wearing a kippah responded right away as a matter of course, "Please wait a while, because the blood might not clot due to the medicine we use. Another common ground?


In Israel, all signs are in three languages: Hebrew, Arabic, and English. Looking at the letters alone, Hebrew and Arabic seem completely. However, when I asked Moses, a Jew who taught himself Arabic, he told me that Jewish and Arabic are actually very similar in many ways. Both Hebrew and Arabic are Semitic languages, and although they have different writing systems, they are quite similar in grammar and vocabulary. Without a training people cannot understand each other, but once you understand the similarities and conversion rules if you will, you can learn each other's language quite efficiently.

This is quite abrupt, but I thought of Japanese and Korean. For example, the following Korean writing seems completely foreign to Japanese.

기획재정부는 경제 상황에 대해 “대외여건 악화 등으로 높은 물가 상승세가 지속되는 가운데 투자 부진, 수출 회복세 약화 등 경기 둔화가 우려된다”고 총평했다.

But when you replace the Hangul words which have corresponding Kanji characters with those characters (Koreans used to be using these Kanji characters until 1970) ...

企画財政府는 経済状況에 대해「対外条件 悪化등으로 높은 物価上昇가 持続되는 가운데 投資不振 輸出回復税 弱化등 景気 鈍化가 憂慮된다」고 総評했다.


On this very same day Abraham and Ishmael his son were circumcised.

Genesis 17:26



Do I know the Gospel?

Jesus’s name was Yeshua in original Hebrewwhich means salvation.Jesus came down to deliver the gospel. The words “salvation” and “gospel” are two words we Christians use all the time, but sometimes I ask myself, “Do I really understand what these means?”

If the gospel means that if you believe in Jesus who died for you, you shall receive the eternal life and go to heaven, what was the gospel (the good news) Jesus was referring at the beginning of his public life well before the death on the cross?

After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.

“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

Mark 1:14-15

When I ponder this word by Jesus, who was born Jewish, studied the scripture at the temple and synagogue since his youth, taught as a young rabi at synagogues every Sabbath, preached that he came not to abolish but to fulfill the Law, came as the Messiah of Israel and took 12 Jewish disciples, I started thinking that the gospel may have a much more bigger and deeper meaning than just a ticket to heaven. Recently I came across with this message by Aaron Eby.

What Is Salvation?   

Aaron Eby is also involved in First Fruit of Zion which specializes in the study and teaching of Scripture from its historical, linguistic, and cultural context.Here are some interesting articles by him.

Eby suggests three points for us to examine in order to explore the meaning of salvation, selecting Psalms 80, Isaiah 45 and Joel 2 for reading.

  1. Is salvation only about after-life, or about this life too?
  2. Is salvation current event or future event?
  3. Is salvation a personal thing or a corrective, national, corporate thing?

“The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near,” so the gospel is not only about after-life but this life also. Salvation is current if you repent and believe now, but also it is about the delivery from the wrath of God on the Day (of judgement) in the future. While we can enter a personal relationship with God, the word salvation is rarely used in a purely personal sense in the Old Testament and indicated at a collective and national level as the people of Israel.

The question is that this idea applies only to Israel or also to Gentile Christians. As I read the scripture, I personally think that there is a consistent and unified God’s intention and plan breathing alive from the beginning to the end of the Bible. The third point above regarding personal salvation vs corporate salvation stands out to me today and seems deserving a deeper consideration. Given Jesus’s word that loving God and loving your brothers are the two most important essences of the Law, does not God desire for us attaining the kingdom of God all together, hand in hand, forgiving and being forgiven, as a corporate body of Christ? Don’t we make salvation too personal?

Having gone through a series of divisions in church, I sometimes wonder how God is weeping about it. When it comes to salvation, is it not God’s desire that we humble ourselves thereby elevating God, love brothers by thinking they are superior to oneself, and build each other so that we can reach the final salvation together as a whole body of Christ on the day of judgement? Isn’t that the whole point of God giving us a church, a body of people called for as His sons?

Paul, widely known as the Apostle of Gentiles, was a devout Jew, Hebrew born of Hebrews, and an enthusiastic Pharisee, and left this verse for his fellow Jewish people who were most probably persecuting him.

For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, the people of Israel.

Romans 9:3-4a

Can I pray the same prayer for my brothers and sisters in church? “Lord, I pray I can lose your blessing and be cursed, if you bless my brother/sister (whom I am having a trouble to get along)?” Not a chance for me. But if we could do this in the name of Jesus, that would be so powerful, I am sure.

Restore us, Lord God Almighty;

make your face shine on us,

that we may be saved.

Psalms 80:19

Thins you find in Jewish House (3)

Bomb shelters! Each Israeli residential homes is required to be equipped with a bomb shelter by the law enacted in 1951. Sharing one by sevel homes is also OK, I heard. Our house's shelter is right here next to the kitchen. It is a pantry, that doubles as a shelter.

If a siren goes off for a possible missile attack, we shall run into this space. The walls are all metal and so is the door.

So if we are home, we go to the home shelter, but what if we are outside, like taking a walk? I heard there are community shelters around, but nobody knows exactly where they are. "We rarely experience sirens first of all, and even if there is an attack, we have the powerful Iron Dome which chases the missiles and let them explode in the air preventing from their reaching the land, so we are safe." is the general summary what people say.

14% of the missiles shot from Gaza by Hamas are failures simply dropping in Gaza, 90% of the ones that enter the land of Israel is prevented by Iron Dome, and the remaining is off to the wilderness never affecting the inhabited area. This is the logic behind people feeling pretty safe. Rare but still possible, however, is that some missiles reach residential areas and kill ordinary people. Probably it can be compared to the probability you encounter an active shooter in school or mall in America. You know the risk but try to be blind to it to live the daily life.

The True Name

We say Jesus Christ, but in original Hebrew, it is Yeshua Hamashiach. Jesus is a male name and the English transliteration of the Green transliteration of Iesous of the original Yeshua.

Christ, on the other hand, is not a part of the name, but a title meaning messiah. It is also the transliteration of the greek word, christos, meaning messiah. Messiah means the anointed one.

Ha in Hamashiach corresponds to "the" in English, so Yeshua Hamashiach is Yeshua the Messiah. Messianic Jews (Jews who accept Jesus as the Messiah) call him Yeshua Hamashiach, but it simply means Jesus Christ.

I have come to be comfortable calling our messiah "Yeshua" over years. In Hebrew culture, names carry profound meanings for the person's mission or specific blessings from God in his/her life.

The word Christ sounds naturally very Christian and seems only relating to the New Testament part of the Bible, but actually the word Yeshua appears already in the very first book of the Bible, Genesis.

I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.

Genesis 49:18

The word "salvation" is "yeshua" in original Hebrew. Jesus is the salvation, and that had long been intended from the beginning.

The word "yeshua" appears 76 times in the Old Testament. Reading all those verses seems an interesting endeavor.You can see the list here.

A Life

There is this baby named Somaia from Gaza. She need a heart surgery, but her low weight does not qualify her for it. She has been on ventilator waiting to gain weight. I was shocked to see Somaia last time I visited her. She was lying there with her eyes open but still so lifeless. I was simply scared to come close to her with a sense of overwhelming helplessness, and took the picture I needed for the Shevet newsletter and hurried out the room

I then read the message someone I don't know replied to the newsletter that we shall be confident in the knowledge that just holding our hand on them and softly whispering to them can make a huge impact, which encouraged me tremendously. I was determined to come closer to Somaia today. Good thing that I had my coworker Margarita, who has powerful words of prayer, with me. Margarita prayed in Spanish and I in Japanese, while each one of us gently caressing Somaia's little feet. I never forget what happened. She opened and moved around her eyes, sucked the pacifier in her mouth and slightly moved her arms. I witnessed a life.

Lord, you knitted her in her mother's womb, and you breathed your breath into her nostrils. I pray that you pour out the greatest mercy on Somaia and revive this little life strong.

God's Blessing

It sounds nice that we are serving the Lord in Israel, but there are people who are being scarified back home. My husband and my son, both busy working, are home in California. I cooked and froze as much food as possible before leaving, but it does not last forever. They need to do the grocery, cooking, cleaning and laundry all this time.

Around this time of the year, we throw an (academic) yearend BBQ party for my husband's graduating students in his Lab. This time I was not there, so he did the grocery, preparation and all, while I guided him on Line phone what to do. I am tremendously thankful that he did all that without even a tiny bit of bitterness, and that our son also helped. I received a picture along with a nice word to thank me for my guidance! This is nothing other than God's blessing. This cannot happen usually. Praise the name of the Lord.

Yard Day

We had a big yard day! Shevet Achim moved from Jaffa, suburbs of Tel Aviv, to here in Ashdod a few months ago. The house still has a pile of stuff to be sorted out and put in place, and we have been taking turns working on that. Today, we worked on the much neglected yard with lots of leaves and weeds.

Above, she is standing on the pile in the trash can to accomodate more. Can you see that we are both working in skirts? At Shevet, we have a dress code in order to show respect for the Muslim culture, with many of the patients being Arabs. We do not wear no sleeves, shirt with wide neckline, slimming clothings, tops that do not cover hips etc. We did not know about the code when we packed, and half of the things we brought did not pass it. We thus found things fitting from the pile of donations, and are working in skirts!

We cleared this section nicely working hard on this hot day (as always).

Praise and Prayer

A day at Shevet Achim starts at 8:00 am with prayer, worship and bible reading. We set aside the first 2 hours of the day for praising God. The main language of prayer is English, but we can pray in our own languages too. Some pray in Spanish, and I pray in Japanese. We worship mainly in English but sometimes in Hebrew.

We take a short break around 9:00 and then read the bible together (we were reading 1 Corinthians until last week, and now are in Matthew). We then just share whatever God spoke to us freely. Some people connect different parts of the Bible finding allusions for a deeper truth, and others speak about their own experiences with God. We are from different parts of the world with different church systems, so listening to other people’s thoughts and ideas is very interesting. People come and go at Shevet Achim. German lady who works in Tel Aviv and serves once a week with us, a kind Jewish young man who speaks Hebrew, Arabic and English and helps us at an emergency, an American doctor who escorted a sick Syrian refugee child to Shevet. We just met once (and sometimes that is the last), but the God’s Word is the common language. The fact that we can start sharing at a deeper level right away is pretty amazing. The Bible has been translated into various languages, people in the world have been reading the same God’s Word, the Word lives in each one of us, and the Word connects us responding to each other. What a wonderous thing! I thought of the vision verse of Shevet Achim (=dwelling together).

How good and pleasant it is

when brothers live together in unity!

Psalm 133:1

This 2 hour quiet time with God is the driving force of Shevet. Some of us sometimes have to leave for a hospital visit early in the morning and have to miss this, and we might not have all the members for this gathering, but still whoever remaining spend this time together. The first 2 hours of our day set apart for God. We can really never accomplish anything without this.

The land where the Ark was

Ashdod is one of the Pentapolis, 5 cities of the Philistine, along with Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath and Gaza. Ashdod is currently a very Jewish city with more than 90% of its population being Jewish, but it was the land of Philistine anciently.

Ashdod is mentioned a couple times in the Bible, but the most memorable scene would be in I Samuel chapter 6.

After the Philistines had captured the ark of God, they took it from Ebenezer to Ashdod. Then they carried the ark into Dagon’s temple and set it beside Dagon. When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord! They took Dagon and put him back in his place.

I Samuel 5:1-3

Israel, not being able to be spiritually united in God, was defeated by the Philistines, where the ark of God was captured by them. The philistines then carried the ark to Ashdod. Dagon is a Philistine idol, which the creator God of Israel would never tolerate. I wonder where this Dagon's temple was. I asked Google and a couple other people, but could not get a straight answer. Nonetheless the ark was here in Ashdod, and it might be right here on the street I am walking!

Inside the ark is two stone tablets with 10 commandments Moses received (symbol of Torah), Aaron's rod and a jar of mannna. The ark is the very presence of God of Israel, and should never be on the land of the Philistines. There is this scene where God Himself returned to the land of Israel.

The ark of God made Dagon fallen on the floor and caused devastation and tumors among the Philistines. The Philistines thought it might not be a good idea to keep the ark among them, and placed the ark on a cart with two cows, to see whether the ark would stay in the land of Philistines, in which case the devastation and tumors were just coincidence, or the ark would return to Israel, in which case the devastation and tumors were by the hand of God of Israel and they should never keep it for more troubles. So, what happened?

Then the cows went straight up toward Beth Shemesh, keeping on the road and lowing all the way; they did not turn to the right or to the left. The rulers of the Philistines followed them as far as the border of Beth Shemesh. Now the people of Beth Shemesh were harvesting their wheat in the valley, and when they looked up and saw the ark, they rejoiced at the sight. The cart came to the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh, and there it stopped beside a large rock. The people chopped up the wood of the cart and sacrificed the cows as a burnt offering to the Lord.

I Samuel 6:12-14

Whereabouts of the ark of God is not known (not revealed by God), but I am sure our God desires and continues to desire to be with His people, ceaselessly until the Day comes.

I happened to find an article on the possible archaeological discovery of the place where people placed the ark of God on a large stone and offered sacrifices in Beth Shemesh. I really want to visit the site someday!

More on the archeological site in Beth Shemesh

Stone slab unearthed near Jerusalem suggests connection to Ark of the Covenant

日本語(Google Translate訳)

The Location of Placing the Ark of the Covenant in Beth-Shemesh Discovered?

日本語(Google Translate訳)

Mediterranean Sea!

The past week has been a real busy one for all of us here at Shevel, with the three powerful German girls on a vacation. We spent most of Friday sleeping and resting in our bunk bed. Saturday, we packed some cheese pitas, watermelon and grapes in our backpack and took a little bike tour to the beach. It is Shabbat, we saw many Jews walking to synagogues on the way. They cannot drive so walk always.

Mediterranean Sea in 30 minutes!

The water was clear and much warmer than that in California. We saw many cars parked in the beach parking, so those people apparently do not observe Shabbat.

The dry season continues until the end of fall (November) in Israel, and we get easily dehydrated. We needed to make a couple water stops during the 30 minutes going home. Water is life, really!

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

John 4:13-14

Shopping Mall Mystery

This shopping mall around the corner from Shevel has been a mystery for me. In contract to American malls, it is so difficult to find the entrance to the complex. The first time we went there, we only saw the wall from afar. Thinking we would find an etrace when we went around the corner, we were disappointed to find another wall.

Ok, so we went around another corner, but we got another wall. After all, all four sides were walls!

To really enter the site, we have to go through a narrow passage (a guard is standing), which doubles as the exit. It almost seemed the mall is not welcoming us. Once inside, however, a very joyful space with stores, restraints, theater and community space spreads. When I visited Jerusalem, I felt I had a little revelation to this problem.

Inside the Jerusalem walls, the Old City expands with churches, synagogues, mosques, stores and schools. That shopping mall was designed as a walled city?? Probably??

Thins you find in Jewish House(2)

These are Torah scrolls, or to be precise, Torah scroll cases. They belong to the owner of the house (Shevet is renting), and most probably the Torah itself is not inside (Quick google search returned that Torah scrolls cost $30,000 to $100,000 (all professionally handwritten).

Torah (5 Books of Moses, the first 5 books of the Old Testament; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) is the center of the God fearing Jews. As a Christian, I was a little bit scared by the sound of the word Torah, the Laws, which seemed to force rules and limitations on our daily life and rid of joy. As I started to read the scripture along with people who know the Hebraic perspective, I began to understand how the Jewish people love and seek Torah. It probably can be compared to how Christian love and seek Jesus. They have an annual cycle of Torah reading schedule. On Simchat Torah, which is the last day of the 7day-long Festival of Booth in fall, the cycle ends by finishing reading the last portion of Deuteronomy and starts with the first portion of Genesis right away. There is no single day without Torah. This important day is mentioned in the following verse.

On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.

John 7:37

The Festival of Booth has a significant meaning for Christians, and if you are interested, readthis

On Simchat Torah, those serious looking Jewish adult men dance jumping around and singing with full of joy, taking turns in holding the Torah scroll,Like this..How joyful they are with Torah make us smile. There is this folk dance called “Mayim Mayim” (Mayim means water) which is very familiar to us Japanese, and this is actually made for this dance on Simchat Torah. How the Jewish festival dance song ended up in Japan should be an interesting study topic.Video here.

Torah is really the center of life for them. Below picture is the wall drawing on a school yard which I found while taking a walk in the neighborhood.

We can see, the Torah (top left), wine and bread, etrog and lulav (used in the Festival of Booth), shofar horn, olive tree, menorah, Jerusalem walls, tallit (prayer shawl), pomegranate, which are all symbols from the scripture.

Things you find in Jewish House(1)

These are Mezzuzahs. At every entry, you find this on the right side of doorframes. Inside is the officially hand-written scripture verses; Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21. "Doorframes" in Verse 9 is Mezzuzah in Hebrew. Below left are the ones we have at every doorframe throughout the house, and below right is the one at the main entrance to the house.

A mezzuzah is fixed slanted. At a first glance, I thought they did not care enough to place it straight, but I learned later that it should be angled inward. Our small room has two doors (one to hallway and one to balcony) so two mezzuzahs. We are protected by God's words every day. Below is the famous mezzuzah at Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem.

4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a]

5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.

7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.

9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6

"Hear O Israel (Shama Israel)" is the center prayer for Jews. They pray with the tune to the verse.Like this..

"On your hand" and "on your foreheads" in verse 8 look like this. The little box is called Tefillin.

Farewell Gathering

Here at Shevet Achim, new families come and go every week. All the children who come here have some sort of problems, . Depending on the situations, some stay here only a few days, others a few months.

This time four families left, three out of which are blessed with good recoveries from surgery and made happy returns home. One baby sadly passed away after a month of hospital stay. The mother buried the baby in the Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem and returned home alone.

The mothers cooked Kurdistan cuisine for us. The right one is Dolma, which has rice and chicken meat wrapped with grape leaves.

In God and through God

Every night, we receive the next day’s task schedule via What’s UP. The main task on this day is grocery shopping, but my partner Tatiana does not drive, so who drives? Soon I received a message from Joanna, the scheduler, “We just do not have enough drivers, so can you drive?” American drivers license is good in Israel, the car and drivers are insured by Shevet, and even if you hit a car many Israeli do not care (actually there are so many dirty and damaged cars around), says Joanna. For this week, three of the powerful German girls took a vacation traveling, so we are experiencing a grave shortage of human resources.

Lord, please protect me from having accidents or killing Tatiana (on the passenger’s seat)! I prayed and asked people around to pray for me and took off. We did the grocery, dropped by at the ATM, picked up some nice pitas and came home without mishaps.At the last grocery shopping,思っていなかったけど、祈って差し出せばなんとかできるものだった。やってみれば、アメリカの運転とそれほど変わる感じもない。イスラエルは案外みんなアグレッシブなので、私が躊躇していると横のタティアナが、「You can GO!」というので、それに従う。Shevetでは何のタスクでも2人組になって行うのはこのせいだ!助け人が与えられていることに本当に感謝!

Pentecost in Jerusalem(3)

June 5th (Sunday) was the second day of the Festival of Weeks (Shavuot, Pentecost). We had a chance to meet Yukako san who is studying in the Masters course at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. We were introduced to Yukako san by Kathy san who is ministering inBiblical Church of Tokyowith her husband, Pastor Oyama. When I wrote a blog post to Shevet Achim news letter (one of the tasks as a volunteer) a few days ago, Kathy san saw my name and texted me asking if I was Japanese. Kathy san told me that they also had volunteered at Shevet a couple years ago. I was excited to hear from her because I have a few friends who are related to this church in Tokyo. We met Yukako san and enjoyed the interesting conversation on the terrace ofChrist Church Jerusalemin the old city where she regulary attends the service. We then attended the Pentecost service with her there.

Christ Church Jerusalem is an Anglican church, and we followed the liturgy and received a message by a pastor with beautiful British accent. The message was on the descent of the Holy Spirit. “The Upper Room” in Acts 1:13 isone of the popular places to visit in Jerusalem,but this is an only traditionally designated place. The place mentioned in “when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place (Acts 2:1).” should not be this Upper Room, but the temple itself. I learned the same thing through a messianic Jew study. The Festival of Weeks (Shavuot, Pentecost) is one of the three pilgrimage festivals for the Jews, along with Passover and the Festival of Booth. It is not imaginable that people gather in a place other than the temple on the very day of Shavuot. It is also not easy to believe that a regular house could accommodate more than 3,000 people. This house should be the House of God. At the temple which was extravagantly renovated by Herod the Great, who was not a Jew but an Edmite proselyte and named by the Roman government as the King of Judea, i.e. the temple that was far from God’s holiness, the Holy Spirit descended when people gathered and sought for the Messiah. This is our origin! This happened at Temple Mount, right around the corner(?) from here! At the place which we have not conquered yet...

We had to leave the service in the middle to catch the first train after the Sabbath ended. On Sabbath, the public transportation entirely stops, and it does not start running until past 9:00 pm. When we arrived at Jerusalem Central Station, it was still completely deserted. By the time we reached Shevet home in Ashdod, it was past 11:00 pm. Ohhh, we have to work tomorrow!

Pentecost in Jerusalem (2)

June 4th was the first day of Shavuot (the festival of weeks, Pentecost) and also the regular Shabbat. At 10:00 in the morning, we went to a messianic synagogueNetivyahfor a Shabbat service, and at 6:30 pm we also attended the Shavuot service.

The service was given in Hebrew with English translation. I saw people born in Israel, people who made Alliah (Jews immigrated to Israel from the world) , and people who are visiting Jerusalem.

Margarita who serves at Shvet Achim with us has a daughter living in Jerusalem and is coming to this synagogue weekly. We joined their table for oneg (after service fellowship).

At the Shabbat service in the morning, the message theme was on the importance of passing on the God’s words generation to generation. At the Shavuot service in the evening, we read the Book of Ruth according to the Judaism tradition. Why is the Book of Ruth read at Shavuot=Pentecost? I learned over the past years that there is a hidden wisdom for Christians in the Jewish festivals and traditions. When I ponder upon it, I feel the God’s grand plan to save Israel, gentiles and all the nations. Naomi came home to Bethlehem from Moab, but she had no hope left for leaving the next generation on earth and could not feel the grace and mercy of God any longer. Ruth, on the other hand, was a Moabite woman who confessed that Israel would be her people and God of Israel her God.(Ruth 1:16)” God recovered Naomi (fatigued Israel) through Ruth (believing gentile) as God’s people, grafted gentile (Naomi) to Boaz (Israel), birthed David, and brought Jesus to the World later in the lineage. Christian churches were born in this line of story. Ruth, a gentile, was able to pick up the left over, because Leviticus 19:9 (‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.) had been given to Israel as a law. God’ plan to save the world (Genesis 12:3) had been all planned out from the beginning to the end and has been powerfully in progress. It is not like Israel is just so superior because they are the chosen people, and neither is that Christians are so great because we are living in the time of Grace. I cannot think over our mission as Christian gentiles who had been grafted in.

God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are,

so that no one may boast before him.

I Corinthians 1:28,29

I feel there is a deep meaning in that Shavuot=Pentecost is the day that Israel received the Law through Moses and is the day that the follower of Jesus received the Holy Spirit after His ascension. There seem so much to be revealed.

Pentecost in Jerusalem(1)

June 4th (Sat) and June 5th (Sun) were the Festival of Weeks (Shavuot in Hebrew, Pentecost in English). Along with the Friday right before that, it was a three-day holiday weekend. This is the day that the People of Israel received the Torah through Moses at Mount Saini, and this is the day the followers of Jesus received Holy Spirit in Jerusalem after Jesus’s ascension. Momo and I of course had to be in Jerusalem on this special day!

Friday morning, we took a train from Ashdod via Tel Aviv for Jerusalem. It took one hour and half.


We climbed up the wall and walked from Jaffa Gate to City of David.

Western Wallで祈ってから旧市街を突っ切って城壁の外へ。あまりに暑くて干上がったので適当にランチができそうなところに入ったら、名前がHillel。1世紀のパリサイ派ユダヤ教には2つの大きな派があって、ひとつがシャマイ派、ひとつがヒレル派と習った。ヒレルの孫がガマリエル(使徒5:34、22:3)でパウロの先生。なんとなくパリサイ派というと律法的でよくないイメージがどうしてもつきまとうもの。当時、パリサイ派とともに、他にもこんな派があった。




これらと比すれば、律法の順守にこだわり神のことばに従順でありたいと願うパリサイ派は、キリストに一番近いものであったと教わった。律法の遵守にこだわるあまり本末転倒になっているところはあるものの、そういう意味では悔い改めさえすれば神のことばに最も近いひとたちであり、ある意味でもっとも「脈があった」わけである。それゆえキリストは他の派ではなくパリサイ派を集中的に招き、食事を共にし、交わったのだそうだ。交わっても信じないかたくなな人がいたため、パリサイ人はかたくな・・と思いがちだが、他の派はそもそも望みがなかったので話にものぼらなかったともいえる。実際、パリサイ人の中からはのちに信じる人が起こされている(使徒15:5)。前述のとおり、パウロがパリサイ派である。また、安息日ごとにシナゴーグで教え、人のためにある律法(神を愛するため、兄弟を愛するため)においては忠実であろうとしたイエス自身が、生き様としては最もパリサイ的であったという話もきいたことがある。だからパリサイ人もなんだか身近に感じてきたこのごろ。そんなことを考えながら、Cafe HillelでイスラエルのビールGoldstarと一緒Hillel Sandwichをオーダーしてみました。すごくおいしかった!

We stayed in an Airbnb in the Muslim Quarter inside the wall. It is a half underground room in an area local people live. It was so HOT outside, but once you walked in the room, it was perfectly cool (without air conditioner).

A Long Day

Lily and I went to Sheba Hospital and spent 13 hours there today. Brwa from Kurdistan had a surgery that lasted nearly 8 hours and ended in a little complication. While his mother and I were waiting right outside the operation room, another child from Kurdistan passed away after nearly a month of struggle for life in Sheba ICU. It was a very emotional day for all of us.

I could feel the pain Brwa’s mother watching her little one lying on the bed hooked with all kinds of tubes. But I do not know Kurdish, there is no way for me to comfort her with words. The hospital is a place of waiting. She waited for the surgery to be done, for the doctor’s briefing, for her to finally see the baby, for another post-surgery CT scan due to the complication, for the result to come… Usually you have your spouse with you in this setting, but these mothers are alone in a foreign country, because only one parent is financially supported. I could not do anything but was there right beside her and praying hard. When she prayed to Allah on the floor, I prayed to God beside her on the floor. When she was calling Allah’s name crying, I prayed to God holding her shoulder. We prayed, watching the doctor wearing kippa doing his best on little Brwa in ICU.

When I went back to Shevet house in Ashdod, it was almost 10 pm. When I opened the door, Amilie was waiting in the living room and came up to hug me. She said, “It was a long day. You must be tired.” God uses people to comfort people. Praise the name of the Lord.

The True God

While at the hospital waiting for a surgery to be done, I had a chance to ask a bunch of questions to Brea, who recently has read two books on Islam and now is reading Qur’an itself in English. Here is the summary of my findings. This may not reflect the truth. This is what I summarized what I thought I understood listing to what Brea told me what she thought she understood. So, it might be far from the perfect description of Islam. Please bear it in your mind.

  • Some people believe that Islam Allah is the same God as we Christians believe. It is after all the God of Abraham, while others say that Allah is a totally different god. By the way, Allah sounds very foreign to us, but it is simply the Arabic word for God.
  • Muslims use the Old Testament (they call it the Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament. They specifically refer to the Torah (5 books of Moses), the Psalms and the Gospel.
  • Muslims believe in Old Testament prophets and Jesus. They highly regard Jesus as the Messiah.
  • Muslims places higher weight on the books that were authored later. When there is a contradiction, the newer writings supersede the older ones in authority, while Christians believe the whole scripture is inspired by God, and the entire scripture is one body of God’s words.
  • Muslims believe Qur’an is of the highest regard, and it should be read only in Arabic. They do not encourage translating Qur’an into other worldly languages, while the Christian Bible, at least a part of it, has been translated into more than 3,000 different languages.
  • (Some) Muslims believe the content of the Old Testament and New Testament have been altered by Jews and Christians and might not property reflect what the prophets (including Jesus) taught.
  • Anyone can convert to Muslim.
  • There is an end time warning in Quran too. It talks about Jesus coming back and also Muhammad coming back.
  • Muslims interpret that Abraham intended Ishmael to be THE sacrifice instead of Isaac.

While working at Shevet, Brea witnessed a Muslim woman who just lost a child was told, or rather forced, by her family member to pray, “Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God)” and take it as God’s will. She felt that their god is an authoritative existence far and above that should not be questioned, rather than a friendly existence being close and caring with a personal relationship. But other people say that Allah could be very intimate and near.

I sometimes wonder if it is a meaningful question to ask if Muslim and Christianity (and Jew) believe in the same god. God said He is “I am that I am.” He was, is and is to come. He was alpha and Omega. It is beyond everything. We can only know God by His revelation, and that is a very personal experience. It is not like that you understand God once you finish reading through the Scriptures. In that sense, it is possible that people in the same Christian church have very different grasp of who God is at a given point. God is God, and we can experience different dimensions of who He is in abundance, but never in entirety. It is a lifetime process to know who God is.

You saw no form of any kind the day the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore, watch yourselves very carefully,

Deuteronomy 4:15

Israel received the Torah at Horeb but did not see any form of God. The disciples of Jesus received the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, many of whom saw Jesus before crucifixion but were far away from knowing it all. We do not see God face to face until the Day comes. Until that time, we can only seek God.

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29

Is it not arrogant to say I know the true God, and yours is not??

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