Every night, we receive the next day’s task schedule via What’s UP. The main task on this day is grocery shopping, but my partner Tatiana does not drive, so who drives? Soon I received a message from Joanna, the scheduler, “We just do not have enough drivers, so can you drive?” American drivers license is good in Israel, the car and drivers are insured by Shevet, and even if you hit a car many Israeli do not care (actually there are so many dirty and damaged cars around), says Joanna. For this week, three of the powerful German girls took a vacation traveling, so we are experiencing a grave shortage of human resources.

Lord, please protect me from having accidents or killing Tatiana (on the passenger’s seat)! I prayed and asked people around to pray for me and took off. We did the grocery, dropped by at the ATM, picked up some nice pitas and came home without mishaps.At the last grocery shopping,思っていなかったけど、祈って差し出せばなんとかできるものだった。やってみれば、アメリカの運転とそれほど変わる感じもない。イスラエルは案外みんなアグレッシブなので、私が躊躇していると横のタティアナが、「You can GO!」というので、それに従う。Shevetでは何のタスクでも2人組になって行うのはこのせいだ!助け人が与えられていることに本当に感謝!